21 days to sell

George Lorimer
Friday, October 22, 2021
21 days to sell
Who can find a home in 21 days?
Who can get a contingent offer accepted?
Almost nobody!
But with my trade-in program, you buy first, then sell. This way, you have no pressure.
Think about it this way. I am buying a car for my daughter, and Mission Federal Credit Union sent me a check to buy a car. So we are not paying cash for the car, but we're cash buyers.
George Lorimer's trade-in program is like this. You get a check to buy a new home.
You eliminate the following hassles. 
  • Contingent offers
  • Moving twice
  • Low-ball, Investor Offers 
Get started with a free home value.
George Lorimer at 619-846-1244
Homes new on the market in the last 3 days!


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